What If Charles Darwin Was Only Half Right?

Considering Rudolf Steiner's rather unconventional ideas, maybe Charles Darwin had only half the truth about evolution.

This was a very small part of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), a very complex Austrian social philosopher and mystic.

I want to talk about Rudolf Steiner's ideas about reincarnation and the evolution of souls. 

Such an evolution is not the same as the evolution of physical bodies or of physical people (and other living creatures). 

It's in effect, a second evolution.

And,for that matter, philosophy itself.

If he was right then to place his ideas side-by-side with Darwin's Theory of Evolution - whether you agree with Darwin or not - offers us an extraordinary new dimension to our ideas on the whole question of evolution.

And if you ever had reason to doubt, or disagree with, Darwin's ideas of natural selection and survival of the fittest, then here is more material to question, at least, whether he had "the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

The book which outlines his theory of evolution: 'Egyptian Myths and Mysteries' 

This amazing book of lectures sets out a radical philosophy on the evolution of the soul in very specific terms with reference to the major cultures throughout history including Atlantis.

"It may seem strange," he says, "to suggest that connections, intimate connections, should be sought for between our own time and ancient Egypt, when the mighty pyramids and the Sphinx appeared. 

It may at first seem remarkable that one should understand his own time better by directing his gaze so far back."

This extraordinary statement preceeds an even more extraordinary, but highly feasible to my mind, theory of the evolution of the soul - as opposed to the evolution of our physical world. 

This evolution, if viewed as a graph, would appear as a v-shape where we are at present at the bottom of the 'v' about to ascend along the upward slope, instead of the continually upward line suggested by Darwinian survival-of-the-fittest theory.

Rudolf Steiner goes through the evolution of humans... one could formulate it differently for Rudolf Steiner communicates in length about animal forms, Atlantis etc. but the main focus is how everything has evolved into the human form of today and will evolve in the future. 

To make the listeners (all are verbal lectures which are recorded in this book) Rudolf Steiner communicated about:

- Zodiacal Signs in relationship to development of human body

- Evolution of animal(-like) forms up to the human form

- Some about Atlantis about the state of consciousness entities had at that time and then explained how that changed through time after Atlantis period (post-Atlantis civilization) - this also linked with initiation.

His central idea is that our souls have evolved through these five periods, down into deeper matter until we reached our present era (5) then upward again through a higher form of those civilizations already traversed (through 4 to 1) -

-) Atlantean

1) Indian

2) Persian

3) Egyptian-Assyrian-Babylonian-Chaldean

4) Grecian-Roman (aka Greco-Latin)

5) Present (Industrial/Technological)

6) Next

7) Future

- Atlantis development and then organ forming (lungs, brains) very briefly.

- The forming of male and female bodies (through Osiris and Isis influence).

As you can see, such an evolution bears little resemblance to the Darwinian theory of evolution, of the survival of the fittest and by natural selection. 

That our souls have a purpose, evolution, makes a lot of sense to me. 

Even moreso the idea that there are double evolutions going on in our lives, one physical and one spiritual.
